Children's Film Festivals Database 2013-2106

Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños, animated children film award 2014

Title : The Boy Who Loved the Moon
Directed by Rino Alaimo
Watch the film : The Boy Who Loved the Moon
Children's animated film awards :
Best animated short film, children awards, Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños (La Matatena) 2014

Children films
Title : Munya in me
Directed by Mascha Halberstad
Watch the film : Munya in me
Children's animated film awards :
Special mention for animated short film, children awards, Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños (La Matatena) 2014

Children films
Title : El color de mis alas
Directed by Miguel Anaya
Watch the trailer : El color de mis alas
Children's animated film awards :
Best national production, children awards, Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños (La Matatena) 2014

Children films
Title : El maestro y la flor
Directed by Daniel Irabién Peniche
Watch the trailer : El maestro y la flor
Children's animated film awards :
Special mention for a national production, children awards, Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños (La Matatena) 2014