Children's Film Festivals Database 2013-2106

Lahore International Children’s Film Festival

Lahore International Children’s Film Festival, Pakistan
Festival Creation : 2008
Festival Dates : November
Public attendance : 50,000 visitors (2014 information)
Festival Type : Competitive
Animated Film Awards :  Best Children's Feature Film, Best Short Film, Best Pakistani Cinema, Best Child-Made Film

Festival Description : Aiming at education as well as entertainment, the film festival is dedicated to promote alternative learning among children and young people. It enhances children’s knowledge about cultural diversity and offers them an opportunity to enjoy and learn. The purpose to start a film festival for children and young people was to offer learning opportunities for Pakistani children so they can experience arts, gain knowledge and develop understanding about life through alternative media. Being the leading children’s film festival in Pakistan, LICFF has grown over the years to become an independent nonprofit organization, dedicated to promote media literacy and enhance creativity among children and young people.
he Lahore International Children’s Film Festival is project of The Little Art, a non-profit arts education organization. The aim is to establish arts in Pakistan as a major facilitator for children and young people to realize and achieve their dreams; through innovative arts education projects and creative learning opportunities.