Children's Film Festivals Database 2013-2106

Auburn Film Festival

Auburn, International Film Festival for Children and Young Adult, Australia
Festival Creation : 1997
Festival Dates : September
Public attendance : 10,000 visitors or less
Festival Type : Competitive
Animated Film Awards : Best short film by children, Best short film by adults about/for children
2013, 2014, 2015 on Children's Film Festivals Database.

Festival Description : Since 2003, Cinewest has been subsidized by Sydney Olympic Park Authority to deliver a series of projects annually such as; ‘Media Literacy and Digital Filmmaking Workshop‘, ‘Short Soup International Short Film Festival‘, ‘Cinewest Cinémathèque‘ and ‘Kids In The Park Film Festival‘ : Auburn Film Festival for Children and Young Adult.

Testimonial about the children's film festivals database :
"Brilliant !"
Bradley Barnden, Festival Registrar of Auburn Film Festival.